10 research outputs found

    Attitude of mothers to compulsory vaccination in children

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    Bc. Pavla Červinková Postoj matek k povinným očkováním u dětí Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Odborný pracovník v laboratorních metodách Nejúčinnější prevencí před vážnými infekčními chorobami je očkování. V České republice existuje povinné očkování proti devíti nemocem, u kterých se zatím nepodařila eradikace ve světě. Téma povinného očkování je v současnosti velmi aktuální a diskutovaný problém. Cíl studie: Teoretický přehled týkající se problematiky povinného očkování u dětí, jednotlivých nemocí, možných rizik očkování a dostupných vakcín. Cílem dotazníkové studie je zjistit procento matek s negativním postojem k této problematice a jejich důvody pro svůj postoj. Metody: Dotazníková studie v rámci České republiky. Dotazník byl určen pro ženy - matky různých věkových kategorií. Výsledky: V laické veřejnosti panuje široké spektrum názorů na tuto problematiku. Většina matek zaujímá k tématu povinného očkování kladný postoj. Značná část matek poukazuje na špatnou legislativu v České republice. Kritizují zejména očkovací schéma a povinnost používání kombinovaných vakcín, u kterých matky často pozorují nežádoucí účinky. Závěr: Z dotazníkového šetření vyplývá, že v populaci České republiky převažuje procento matek, které své děti povinnými vakcínami očkují. Avšak procento...Bc. Pavla Červinková Attitude of mothers to compulsory vaccination in children Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Specialist in laboratory methods The most effective prevention of serious infectious diseases is vaccination. In the Czech Republic, there is a compulsory vaccination against nine diseases, which have not been eradicated in the world yet. The topic of compulsory vaccination is currently a very topical and discussed issue. Objectives: Theoretical overview of the issue of compulsory vaccination in children, individual diseases, the possible risks of vaccination and available vaccines. The aim of the questionnaire study is to determine the percentage of mothers with a negative attitude to this issue and their reasons for their attitude. Methods: Questionnaire study within the Czech Republic. The questionnaire was intended for women - mothers of different age categories. Results: In the general public, there is a wide range of views on this issue. Most of mothers have a positive attitude towards compulsory vaccination. A significant part of mothers point to a bad legislation in the Czech Republic. They particularly criticize the vaccination scheme and the obligation of using combined vaccines, in which mothers often observe side effects. Conclusion: The questionnaire...Katedra biologických a lékařských vědDepartment of Biological and Medical SciencesFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Postal services with a view to post routes in the Nymburk district, central Bohemia

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    Bakalářská práce pojednává o poštovních sluţbách a jejich vývoji z hlediska prostoru a času. Jejím cílem je seznámit s vývojem poštovních sluţeb od starověku po současnost a poukázat na důleţitou vazbu mezi prostorem a časem. Část práce je zaměřena na regionální poštovní sluţby a podmínky při jejich plnění. Práce je doplněna komentáři historiků a poštovních doručovatelů

    Effect of S-adenosylmethionine on Acetaminophen-induced Toxic Injury of Rat Hepatocytes in vitro

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    Acetaminophen (AAP) overdose causes severe liver injury and is the leading cause of acute liver injury in humans. The mechanisms participating in its toxic effect are glutathione depletion, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is the principal biological methyl donor and is also a precursor of glutathione. In our previous studies we have documented a protective action of SAMe against various toxic injuries of rat hepatocytes in primary cultures. The aim of this study was to evaluate a possible protective effect of SAMe against AAP-induced toxic injury of primary rat hepatocytes. Hepatocytes were exposed to AAP (2.5 mM) or AAP together with SAMe at the final concentrations of 5, 25 or 50 mg/l for 24 h. Incubation of hepatocytes with AAP caused a significant increase of the leakage of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (p p p p < 0.05). SAMe did not influence AAP-induced decrease of cellular content of glutathione. Mitochondrial respiration of harvested digitonin-permeabilized hepatocytes was measured; Complex II was more sensitive to toxic action of AAP, respiration was decreased by 20%. This decrease was completely abolished by SAMe

    Attitude of mothers to compulsory vaccination in children

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    Bc. Pavla Červinková Attitude of mothers to compulsory vaccination in children Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Specialist in laboratory methods The most effective prevention of serious infectious diseases is vaccination. In the Czech Republic, there is a compulsory vaccination against nine diseases, which have not been eradicated in the world yet. The topic of compulsory vaccination is currently a very topical and discussed issue. Objectives: Theoretical overview of the issue of compulsory vaccination in children, individual diseases, the possible risks of vaccination and available vaccines. The aim of the questionnaire study is to determine the percentage of mothers with a negative attitude to this issue and their reasons for their attitude. Methods: Questionnaire study within the Czech Republic. The questionnaire was intended for women - mothers of different age categories. Results: In the general public, there is a wide range of views on this issue. Most of mothers have a positive attitude towards compulsory vaccination. A significant part of mothers point to a bad legislation in the Czech Republic. They particularly criticize the vaccination scheme and the obligation of using combined vaccines, in which mothers often observe side effects. Conclusion: The questionnaire..

    Diagnostics of malaria

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    Pavla Červinková Diagnostics of malaria Bachelor thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Medical Laboratory Technician This work is a literary review in the field of malaria disease, which is caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium. The first part describes malaria from the perspective of history, agents, the way of transmission and development cycle of agents. In the first half of the work are also included groups of people who are more or less susceptible to the malaria infection. In the second part of the work are summerized current trends of diagnostics in the Czech republic and in the malaria regions, worldwide distribution including the Czech republic and current possibilities of antimalarial prevention, treatment and resistence to antimalarial drugs. In conclusion are summarized the most important findings of the above sub-themes, which I completed in a discussion about my opinions. Keywords: diagnostics, malari

    Diagnostics of malaria

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    Pavla Červinková Diagnostics of malaria Bachelor thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Medical Laboratory Technician This work is a literary review in the field of malaria disease, which is caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium. The first part describes malaria from the perspective of history, agents, the way of transmission and development cycle of agents. In the first half of the work are also included groups of people who are more or less susceptible to the malaria infection. In the second part of the work are summerized current trends of diagnostics in the Czech republic and in the malaria regions, worldwide distribution including the Czech republic and current possibilities of antimalarial prevention, treatment and resistence to antimalarial drugs. In conclusion are summarized the most important findings of the above sub-themes, which I completed in a discussion about my opinions. Keywords: diagnostics, malari

    Tissue Specific Sensitivity of Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore to Ca2+ Ions

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    Ca2+-induced opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) is involved in induction of apoptotic and necrotic processes. We studied sensitivity of MPTP to calcium using the model of Ca2+-induced, cyclosporine A-sensitive mitochondrial swelling. Presented data indicate that the extent of mitochondrial swelling (dA520/4 min) induced by addition of 25 μM Ca2+ is seven-fold higher in liver than in heart mitochondria (0.564 ± 0.08/0.077± 0.01). The extent of swelling induced by 100 μM Ca2+ was in liver tree times higher than in heart mitochondria (0.508±0.05/ 0.173±0.02). Cyclosporine A sensitivity showed that opening of the MPTP is involved. We may thus conclude that especially at low Ca2+ concentration heart mitochondria are more resistant to damaging effect of Ca2+ than liver mitochondria. These finding thus support hypothesis that there exist tissue specific strategies of cell protection against induction of the apoptotic and necrotic processes

    Dose-dependent regulation of mitochondrial function and cell death pathway by sorafenib in liver cancer cells

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of primary liver cancer and the fourth most frequent cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Sorafenib is the first line recommended therapy for patients with locally advanced/metastatic HCC. The low response rate is attributed to intrinsic resistance of HCC cells to Sorafenib. The potential resistance to Sorafenib-induced cell death is multifactorial and involves all hallmarks of cancer. However, the presence of sub-therapeutic dose can negatively influence the antitumoral properties of the drug. In this sense, the present study showed that the sub-optimal Sorafenib concentration (10 nM) was associated with activation of caspase-9, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), sustained autophagy, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) and mitochondrial function in HepG2 cells. The increased mitochondrial respiration by Sorafenib (10 nM) was also observed in permeabilized HepG2 cells, but not in isolated rat mitochondria, which suggests the involvement of an upstream component in this regulatory mechanism. The basal glycolysis was dose dependently increased at early time point studied (6 h). Interestingly, Sorafenib increased nitric oxide (NO) generation that played an inhibitory role in mitochondrial respiration in sub-therapeutic dose of Sorafenib. The administration of sustained therapeutic dose of Sorafenib (10 µM, 24 h) induced mitochondrial dysfunction and dropped basal glycolysis derived acidification, as well as increased oxidative stress and apoptosis in HepG2. In conclusion, the accurate control of the administered dose of Sorafenib is relevant for the potential prosurvival or proapoptotic properties induced by the drug in liver cancer cells.We thank Dr. María Monsalve (Biomedical Research Institute "Alberto Sols", IIBM, Spain) for supplying the PGC-1α constructs. We also thank the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) (Spain) (PI13/00021 and PI16/00090), the Andalusian Government (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales) (Spain) (PI-00025-2013 and PI-0198-2016), and Charles University research program PROGRES Q40/02 (Czech Republic) for their financial support. We thank the Biomedical Research Network Center for Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERehd) founded by the ISCIII (Spain) and co-financed by European Development Regional Fund ”A way to achieve Europe“ ERDF (Belgium) for their financial support